Category: Events

  • RailPAC September MEETING NOTICE

    10:00 Board Meeting 12:00 Lunch 1:00 General Meeting At the California State Rail Museum in the Museum Theater (use east “group” entrance), in Old Sacramento! Reserve your space NOW! Only a few days left to reserve! EVERYONE is welcome! And, it’s FREE! Our topic: “Running Trains WITHOUT Money!” A Presentation from Operation Lifesaver just added!…

  • Bay Bridge Closure- Labor Day Weekend (Followup)

    The Bay Bridge reopened at 6 PM on Monday, September 3, 11 hours ahead of schedule. Over the weekend BART carried a record number of passengers, became a rolling party with its overnight service, and other public transportation systems saw record numbers of riders! No major tieups were encountered. Congratulations to Caltrans for its $1…

  • Bay Area Regional Rail Plan Workshops

    Dates and Times Track the Bay Area’s rail future by attending a public meeting near you on the Draft Regional Rail Plan After 18 months of analysis and stakeholder involvement, we are unveiling a blueprint for expanding the region’s network of rail lines. The Draft Regional Rail Plan will identify potential rail passenger and rail…

  • RailPAC Board Meeting

    The RailPAC Board of Directors will have a business meeting on Saturday, April 28, in Oakland.

  • RailPAC/NARP Joint Membership Meeting & Conference

    Saturday, March 17, 2007 Gateway Center, MTA BOARD ROOM, 3rd Floor, the tall building east of Los Angeles Union Station platforms. The Rail Passenger Association of California, the National Association of Railroad Passengers, and the Transit Coalition invite you to the biggest rail meeting of 2007! Amtrak President Alex Kummant (pictured, left, with RailPAC President…

  • CA Corridor Rail Meetings

    Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board, Suisun City Hall, 10:00