Category: Editorials

  • Can We Connect Metrolink to LAX?

    By Noel T. Braymer Recently Shawn Nelson, Chairman of the Orange County Transportation Authority called for closing the gap of about 2.5 miles between the end of LA Metro’s Green Line (which by 2019 will connect with LAX) to the Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs Metrolink Station. No doubt LA Metro would agree, but would ask who…

  • Only Republicans can save the Long Distance Trains

    By Noel T. Braymer Long distance rail passenger service has been in decline in this country since the mid-1990’s. Without a major overhaul, sooner or later long distance rail service in this country will collapse. If the long distance trains fail, this will bring down Amtrak and create problems for the Northeast Corridor. Passenger rail…

  • Riding the Bus that Could have Been a Train

    By Noel T. Braymer The Sprinter is the 22 mile Light Rail service between Oceanside and Escondido in northern San Diego County. It operates every half hour with diesel multiple unit (DMU) cars. The Sprinter stops just outside of downtown Escondido at the Escondido Transit Center. Early planning for the Sprinter called for extending it…

  • The Fallout from PRIIA 2008 – Unhappy States may look for alternatives to Amtrak

    Commentary by Paul Dyson You know, sometimes the old light bulb above my head doesn’t go on as quickly as it once did. You know what I mean, it used to be that I’d read or hear something and in a flash I’d figure out the agenda behind the innocuous statement. Well it took me…

  • LAX Rail Connections: What a Mess!

    By Noel T. Braymer The two most important passenger  transportation hubs in Southern California, the 2nd most populated area in the country are Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). In terms of passenger miles generated, LAX is more important. Road traffic to LAX is also a major source of traffic…

  • What’s So Great about Run-Through Tracks at LA Union Station?

    Story and Photographs By Noel T. Braymer When the city of Los Angeles originally proposed building a Union Station on the current site, the railroads opposed it. One of their reasons was that site would have station tracks that would dead end as stub tracks. This would require departing trains to back in to the…

  • Is there a Future Shipping Oil by Rail?

    By Noel T. Braymer In the last 3 years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of oil shipped by rail in this country. This new market has been eagerly embraced by the rail industry which naturally is looking for more business. But this has come at a price. The combination of last…

  • San Juan Capistrano: A Great Rail Destination

    By Noel T. Braymer A great rail destination is one where the station is a destination and a short walking distance to places to see with plenty to do. If you like a place that is different, with lots of history, scenery, places to shop and eat: then San Juan Capistrano is a great place…

  • How to Increase Rail Ridership to Sacramento

    By Noel T. Braymer The Sacramento station is already one of the busiest Amtrak Station in California. There is excellent ridership from the Capitol Corridor, Coast Starlight and California Zephyr trains. The same however can’t be said about the 2 round trips a day on the San Joaquin trains to and from Bakersfield. Why is…

  • Why “Blending” High Speed and Conventional Rail is Important

    By Noel T. Braymer It’s expensive to build a new railroad. Even improvements to existing railroads aren’t cheap. Plus there are few places to build railroads today at any price, particularly in cities. As it is funding is always tight for any form of transportation construction. This is why is it often better to share…