Category: Commentary


    Happy New Decade! Thank you for viewing our website and accept our apologies for the out of date material and lack of recent posts. We plan to rectify that in the new year, building on our success in 2019 with the passage of SB742. The Board will be meeting in early January and we invite…

  • RailPAC response to Newsom speech

      RailPAC Response to Governor Newsom – February 13, 2019 The Future of Modern, Efficient, Intercity Passenger Rail in California RailPAC supports Governor Newsom’s action in changing the leadership of the High -Speed Rail Authority.  After a decade it is clearly time for a change.  Reprioritizing the high-speed rail project toward the completion of an…

  • Newsom cuts High Speed Rail – or does he?

    Paul Dyson writes: The dust hasn’t settled yet on the State of the State speech, and over the years I have become a committed believer in letting the dust settle.  The initial reaction from many is that HSR is dead, but I don’t think the story is over.  In the next few days RailPAC will…

  • High Speed Rail Board Comes to Burbank

    CHSRA Board Meeting November 15, 2018 Burbank While I was not able attend the recent Board meeting of the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) I did view the video and as President of the Rail Passenger Association of California (RailPAC) I wanted to provide my impressions of the meeting and public comments.  The overall emotion…

  • Southwest Chief – Too Early to Claim Victory

    Some of you may have received a post from Jim Mathews of RPA claiming a victory in the fight for the Southwest Chief.  We urge caution and continued vigilance. Here’s a more realistic assessment from Evan Stair from Passenger Rail Kansas: THE TRUTH COMES OUT – BUS BRIDGE WAS NOT FOR SAFETY Apparently, and we…

  • Andy Selden talks to the Private Car owners

  • Steel Wheels Conference This Saturday 9/29/18 – Sacramento State Railroad Museum

    Don’t miss this year’s conference!  We have over 60 people registered and it will be sure to be an interesting day. Coffee and light refreshments and registration/check in will be available from about 9.30am at the Stanford Gallery.  The event itself is in the Museum Auditorium which opens at 10, the program will start at…

  • RailPAC’s Senate Joint Resolution is Adopted by Both Houses

    This was our first attempt for many years to obtain legislative support for our position re the National Network interstate trains.  It was heavily amended by Assembly staff and some of the stronger language removed.  I would have pushed back on some of the changes but we had only two weeks to line up support…

  • Another unanswered letter – RailPAC to Amtrak Chair Coscia

    In this letter I tried to be polite, and not as hostile as I might have been.  At about the same time as this was sent the New Jersey ARP wrote specifically calling for Anderson’s dismissal.  There is now a clear pattern, as reported by Bill Vantuono of Railway Age, of simply ignoring the media…

  • Amtrak’s Accounting – George Chilson

    Amtrak’s Route Accounting: Fatally Flawed, Misleading & Wrong August 23, 2018 The Rail Passengers Association (RPA) strongly believes that the ongoing debate concerning the future shape of Amtrak’s national network has been distorted by its use of fully allocated costs rather than avoidable costs as required by statute. The adverse outcome of using fully allocated…