Category: Commentary

  • RailPAC submits Public Comment Letter on Serra Siding Extension Project in Orange County

    RailPAC submits Public Comment Letter on Serra Siding Extension Project in Orange County

    Click here for more information about the Serra Siding Extension Project in Dana Point, currently under environmental review by the Orange County Transportation Authority. To: Chris Haskell SCORE Deputy Program Manager 900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Email: [email protected] CC: Donna DeMartino, LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency Managing Director April 11, 2021 Subject:…

  • RailPAC submits letter to California State Senate Committee on Transportation on Appropriation of Proposition 1A Funds to the CHSRA

    RailPAC submits letter to California State Senate Committee on Transportation on Appropriation of Proposition 1A Funds to the CHSRA

    California State Senate Committee on TransportationState Capitol, Room 2209Sacramento, CA 95814 March 30, 2021 RE: Appropriation of Proposition 1A Funds to the CHSRA Good Day. My name is Steve Roberts and I am President of the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC). I want to thank you for the opportunity to view and…

  • RailPAC submits comment to California Senate Transportation Committee & Senate Budget Sub-Committee #5, Joint Informational Hearing on High Speed Rail

    March 15, 2021 California State Senate Sub-Committee #5 -TransportationState Capitol, Room 5019Sacramento, CA 95814 Chairs Gonzalez, Durazo and Sub-Committee Members: After review of the California High Speed Rail Authority Revised Draft 2020 California Business Plan,the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC) recommends that the Revised 2020 Business Plan be adopted. RailPAC also supports…

  • Please contact your U.S. Representative in support of COVID Relief Bill and Amtrak long-distance trains

    Within the next week it appears that the House will have the final vote on its COVID Relief Bill.  As released, the bill has funding and a mandate for daily service of Amtrak’s long-distance trains. RailPAC encourages all those who value passenger rail to contact their representative and encourage them to vote for the bill.  All House…

  • Steel Wheels, 1st Quarter 2021 issue available online

    Download the pdf of Steel Wheels, 1st Quarter 2021 by clicking here. In this issue: San Diego County rail improvements Public transportation in a post-pandemic world Prospects for future LA-Phoenix passenger rail Letter to California High Speed Rail Authority Arizona rail news Russ Jackson commentary on state of U.S. passenger rail in 2021 Andrew Seldon…

  • RailPAC remembers Tom LaBonge (1953 – 2021)

    Passenger rail lost a good friend yesterday with the untimely death of former Los Angeles City Councilmember Tom LaBonge.  Tom gave the welcoming address at two of our Steel Wheels conferences in Los Angeles, and with his encyclopedic knowledge of the geography and history of the city could always be relied on to give proceedings…

  • Steel Wheels, 4th Quarter 2020 available online

    Download the pdf of Steel Wheels, 4th quarter 2020 by clicking here. In this issue: Russ Jackson commentary on Amtrak’s current predicament Arizona news Amtrak preliminary FY’20 results released High Speed Rail update- Brighline West and Florida Riverside County developments, including Coachella Valley Rail Diverse markets of long-distance trains and more!

  • RailPAC submits public comment letter on California Transportation Plan 2050

    The California Transportation Plan (CTP) 2050 is the “state’s long-range transportation plan that establishes an aspirational vision that articulates strategic goals, policies, and recommendations to improve multimodal mobility and accessibility while reducing greenhouse gas emissions”: Read RailPAC’s letter of public comment on the CTP 2050 public review draft by clicking here.

  • Caltrain Measure RR

    To our readers residing and registered to vote anywhere within San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, Caltrain needs your support. On the November 2020 ballot, there will be a measure to provide dedicated funding for Caltrain on the ballot known as Measure RR. Unlike BART, Caltrain has never had a dedicated funding source, which…

  • Amtrak’s Current Situation

    With the failure on September 10th in the Senate to pass a “skinny” stimulus package, the outlook for any stimulus legislation is bleak.  The stimulus legislation, as passed by the House, was the vehicle that was to be used to deliver a supplemental appropriation to keep daily service, state funded corridor routes, commuter rail and transit operating…