Category: Commentary

  • RailPAC writes Boxer regarding Passenger Rail Safety

    SENATOR BARBARA BOXER Fax to 202 224 0454 22 February, 2010 PASSENGER RAIL SAFETY Dear Senator Boxer: First of all may I commend you for your concern about passenger rail safety following the Chatsworth collision last year, and also for spending so much time at the Los Angeles USDOT conference last Friday.  We appreciate your…

  • January California Intercity Passenger Rail Performance

    January California Intercity Passenger Rail Performance

    Reported by David B. Kutrosky, Managing Director, CCJPA The Capitol Corridor January 2010 ridership showed a decline compared to January 2009 and 2008. Ridership for January 2010 was down by 8.4% primarily due to the first phase of the “tie renewal program” (January 18 – February 14, 2010) between Suisun/Fairfield and Sacramento stations.  Some late-morning and mid-day trains Capitol…

  • The High Speed Rail Dilemma

    Response to High-Speed rail system:  Leaders mull benefits, fears,  first published in the Burbank Leader on 2/13/10. Commentary by Paul Dyson It was great to see the Leader take a close look at the High Speed Rail project on Saturday 13th February.  This huge undertaking is described as the largest public works project in our history…

  • More on the Coast Starlight China

    Reported by Jarrod DellaChiesa, Website Editor and CSCN Project Coordinator As reported a few days ago, the Coast Starlight is finally doing away with plastic dinnerware and synthetic tablecloths and is re-introducing full china service and linen.  This is exciting because passengers will once again receive a quality Dining Car experience. Here are some additional details…

  • Connectivity Works for High Speed Rail Too

    Commentary by Paul Dyson Our RailPAC/NARP meeting in Las Vegas last December revealed one important nugget.  Guest speaker, Desert Xpress (“DX”) CEO Tom Stone announced that the project team is planning to extend the Las Vegas – Victorville core route across the high desert to Palmdale where it will connect with the California High Speed…

  • Increase Your Community’s Awareness of Local Stations

    Reported by Jarrod DellaChiesa, RailPAC Director In 2009, 29,976 passengers traveled to and from the Hayward station.  It is always surprising how few people even know Hayward has an Amtrak station or that a passenger train passes through our town.  With plans for up to 22 round trips in 2012-2015 and 32 in 2015-2020, increased…

  • Response to White House HSR Awards

    Commentary by Paul Dyson $2.25 Billion for California High Speed Rail. Too little to make even the smallest impact, and relies on California matching funds. Did anyone tell USDOT that California is broke and can’t even issue passenger rolling stock bonds approved three years ago?Beneficiaries: Consultants and engineering firms. Blue collar jobs created this year…

  • High Speed and Commuter Rail Electrification: Is Catenary Height an Issue?

    Commentary by Paul Dyson As we contemplate construction of High Speed Rail and electrification of existing routes we need to ask if catenary height an issue. This may seem arcane, almost academic, but it has real implications for the type of railroad network that we want to see here in California. Indeed it raises issues…

  • CA Corridors December statistics

    Reported by DAVID B. KUTROSKY, Managing Director, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority NOTE: This article contains important future state financial information that Mr. Kutrosky discussed at the RailPAC-NARP Sacramento meeting, which will have impact on the state operated trains. The Capitol Corridor December 2009 results are mixed with a continued ridership decline compared to December…

  • Great Meeting in Sacramento on January 16, 2010

    Report by Noel T. Braymer A Full House in Sacramento The underlying theme of most of the speakers at the RailPAC/NARP meeting was on the challenges ahead for the State’s Rail Passenger services with future ridership growth in the mist of the current economic problems.