Category: Commentary

  • An engine died in Kansas. So what else is new?

    Comments by Russ Jackson, RailPAC Southwest Chief train #3 that departed Chicago on February 20, 2012, arrived in Fullerton 8 hours 10 minutes late, and because of the end-of-run padding it arrived at Los Angeles Union Station 6 hours 58 minutes late. The reason? A locomotive engine died in Kansas, and when all was done…

  • Comparing The Benefits Of The First $7 Billion Investment In California High Speed Rail—Bakersfield North vs. Bakersfield South

    Comparing The Benefits Of The First $7 Billion Investment In California High Speed Rail—Bakersfield North vs. Bakersfield South

    Commentary by Ralph James, RailPAC Member, Blue Canyon CA This commentary is a follow-up to this writer’s original commentary entitled “Is California High Speed Rail on Track for Successful Implementation?”, published in spring 2010 illustrating the futility of spending early HSR dollars in the Central Valley as compared to other sections of the ultimate HSR…

  • San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee takes stand on Closing the HSR Gap

    January 26 Meeting Report by Mike Barnbaum, RailPAC Associate Director Part 1 of 2 reports from that day. Headlines: SJVRC Passes Resolution Supporting Closure of the Southern Gap Caltrans’ Bill Bronte drops a bombshell SJVRC is urged to revive the idea of a JPA for the Corridor Rail was all over the Northern California Map…

  • RailPAC tells LOSSAN: Position on Governance

    Comments to the LOSSAN Board, January 25, 2012 by Paul J. Dyson, RailPAC President. Back in the 80s an ad hoc coalition of elected representatives and advocates including RailPAC were successful in bringing about an increase in frequency of the San Diegan trains as they were called then, and their extension to Santa Barbara. What…

  • Amtrak to the West: Forget the future

    Commentary by Russ Jackson, and a few photos The future of Amtrak’s western long-distance trains became clearer after Amtrak CEO Joseph Boardman issued his “Aggressive Agenda for 2012” on January 11, 2012. The future is bleak. Isn’t there an old adage that it’s not what you say it’s what you don’t say? Or is it…

  • President’s commentary: Amtrak CEO Gives Up On AMTRAK

    By Paul J. Dyson, RailPAC President, January 13, 2012 Joe Boardman condemns the long distance trains to a lingering death. Sunset Limited in “immediate danger”. Someone needs to tell Mr. Boardman that he is CEO of the NATIONAL Railroad Passenger Corporation. It seems that since he took the CEO position a couple of years ago…

  • RailPAC writes Brown, Feinstein, and Boxer: Peer Review Committee Is Right On High Speed Rail

    NOTE: Identical letters were also faxed to Senators Feinstein and Boxer 11th January, 2012 Governor Jerry Brown State Capitol Suite 1173 Sacramento CA 95814 PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE IS RIGHT ON HIGH SPEED RAIL Dear Governor Brown: Our organization has consistently advocated the creation of a network of modern passenger trains for the State of California…

  • We hear you, Mr. Boardman, now let’s see some Action!

    Commentary by Russ Jackson, RailPAC There has been much discussion in the past month or so about the immediate fate of the Amtrak long-distance trains. This writer provided his share of the verbiage in an article posted on, titled “Amtrak long distance trains, the kinda good, the pretty bad, the really ugly,” which explained…

  • RailPAC’s Bob Manning Goes to Washington, Meets with Senator Boxer and others!

    Report and Photo provided by Robert Manning, RailPAC Executive VP Often we complain about things but fail to correct the problem. Yes, I’m referring to the underserved passenger train service in the west. This conveys the sad possibility that some service may be cut while we are attempting to inaugurate daily service between Los Angeles…

  • September 2011 Amtrak California Trip Report, Part I

    Traveling The Web Of California Bus/Rail Connections Report and Comments by Ralph James I. Trip Overview A fairly unusual circumstance set up the opportunity for a round trip on Amtrak California beginning and ending at the “away” terminal of Grover Beach and turning at the “home” terminals of Auburn and Colfax. Due to the limited…