Amtrak’s Food & Beverage service is under fire; what can they do? How about 24 hour service, “When You’re Hungry, You’re Hungry”!
Commentary by Russ Jackson, RailPAC-URPA, Dallas, Texas Premise Food and Beverage availability on long distance trains is essential and its existence is not negotiable; only the “how it is done” is. Problem stated “On Amtrak’s western long distance trains, the average trip spans three to four meal periods. People may want to go fast, but…
A New Model For American Passenger Rail
By: Dick Spotswood. Originally published in the Steel Wheels newsletter, May/June 2012. THE DILEMMA: In the past decade it has become obvious that Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, regards its principal responsibility as making the Northeast Corridor America’s first true high-speed rail route. That’s a worthy goal and no easy task. Running from Boston…
RailPAC welcomes Bob Hope Airport Transit Center – calls for improved Metrolink service to make it work
RailPAC welcomes Bob Hope Airport Transit Center – calls for improved Metrolink service to make it work The Rail Passenger Association of California, an early supporter of the project, congratulates the Bob Hope Airport Authority and supporting agencies on the groundbreaking for the Regional Intermodal Transportation Center. The Burbank Bob Hope Airport has the unusual…
Sunset Limited: One month on the new schedule
Report and Comments by Russ Jackson, RailPAC Photos! How is Amtrak’s Sunset Limited doing since the schedule change on May 7, 2012, for the tri-weekly service which dates back to the pre-Amtrak days when the Southern Pacific reduced its departures from daily in the late 1960’s. The new schedule has train #2 depart Los Angeles…
The First Sunset Limited Trip on New Schedule
Robert Manning TRIP REPORT: Talk about a change of pace, how about eating a late dinner at Traxx Restaurant which is located directly inside Los Angeles Union Station! The station is pretty empty at 8 p.m., but then it starts to fill up with passengers planning to depart on the new schedule change for the…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAY 11, 2012 – The Rail Passenger Association of California (RailPAC), the Coast Starlight Communities Network and the Steel Wheels Coalition® are working together to step up the campaign for an additional passenger train along the California Coast. To be known as the Coast Daylight, this train will provide daily service between the…
How LA went from “don’t need rail” to “can’t live without it.”
Opinion and History by Noel T. Braymer. Photos by the author. Arriving at Los Angeles Union Station today what first strikes you are the crowds. It wasn’t like that when I was a college student in Los Angeles in the early 1970’s. I knew fellow students who would go to Union Station to study because…
Why California needs a single statewide rail coordinator
Statement by William Kerby, Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada on AB 1779 NOTE: Mr. Kerby presented this statement to the California Assembly Transportation Committee meeting in April, 2012. An independent joint powers authority propelled successful growth of Capitol Corridor service and now leaders of the San Joaquin corridor seek similar success with the…
Huge controversy surrounds Sacramento railyards/Downtown arena plans
Commentary by Chuck Robuck, RailPAC member, and former head of the CC Riders group. Edited by Russ Jackson Subject: Latest Design Concept for Downtown Arena & Intermodal Transportation Facility NOTE: The comments, map, and links below are provided by Mr. Robuck. I attended a Public Workshop at (Sacramento) City Hall on Thursday, April 12th, at…
Amtrak changes the Sunset Limited schedule: Positives, Negatives, and they agreed to WHAT?
Analysis and Commentary by Russ Jackson, RailPAC From out of the blue, so to speak, on March 13 came an Amtrak News Release from New Orleans, not Washington DC, saying a new schedule for the Sunset Limited would take effect on May 7, 2012. This new schedule will have major impacts all along its route,…