Category: Commentary

  • Western Long Distance Trains at the End of 2015: A Positive Report

    Here we are, Christmastime 2015, and lo and behold the Amtrak long distance trains continue to roll and to some extent thrive despite the negative publicity that they are “money losers.”  In recent posts this writer has talked about the positives that are being accomplished on the Coast Starlight, and the opposite effects that are…

  • The Coast Starlight:  Paso Robles to Eugene; not endpoint travel!  What about the food?

    Report and Commentary by Russ Jackson with Ralph James Amtrak likes to tout its end points and the volume of traffic it gets between those departures and destinations on all of its routes, but while some passengers do that it is the intermediate station travel that fills up the trains.  Can you imagine, as RailPAC…

  • Metrolink in a Tail Spin: Is there a way out?

    Metrolink in a Tail Spin: Is there a way out?

    Napoleon used to say that he liked his generals to be lucky. Presumably he would not have employed the first CEOs of Metrolink, who suffered considerably from ill fortune, particularly the Glendale accident. But bad luck is only one small part of the picture that has brought about the near collapse of Metrolink. After 23…

  • The Eagle, the Sunset, the Star, a Trip Report, and a rowdy car

    Whenever a passenger is ready to travel by Amtrak, has a ticket in hand and is ready to go to the station to board the train the first anxiety is always whether the train will be on time or be running late (in many cases hours late).  For this trip let’s get the on time…

  • Comet Car Access problem?  A RailPAC solution.

    First Published June 2013 As Noel Braymer has previously reported there is some discontent on the part of the San Joaquin rail board at being allocated two consists of the refurbished “Comet” cars. The two bones of contention?  The age of the cars, as which date back to the 70s, and the access via steps…

  • Metrolink to Withdraw Cab Cars from Service

    Metrolink to Withdraw Cab Cars from Service

    Yesterday evening the Board of SCRRA (Metrolink) held a closed session meeting described as pursuant to public safety threat (or words to that effect.  The notice is no longer on their website).  The real purpose of the meeting was to inform the Board that the NTSB had requested that the Rotem cab cars be withdrawn…

  • SJJPA MTG 8/21/15

    It seemed more of a “HIP HIP HOORAY” congratulatory celebration. Very well attended, (standing room only in the fairly large Modesto Council Chambers) . Assembly Member Adam Gray chaired the meeting. Welcome was delivered by Modesto Mayor Garrad Marsh followed by statements from Legislative Members e.g. Senators Cathleen Galgiani (Stockton),  Anthony Cannella (Ceres) and Assembly…

  • BYE BYE to Amtrak’s Dining Cars?

    What would travel on Amtrak’s long distance trains be like if there were no Dining cars? 

  • Amtrak at 44:  “Happy Birthday” to the Southwest Chief and Sunset Limited

    It is no secret that for 44 years Amtrak’s long distance trains have had a target firmly placed upon them.  From the nitpicking of the Congress to the war against growth within Amtrak, we have to ask who is standing up for these trains besides us in the rail advocacy community?   If it weren’t for…

  • Could a Grilled Cheese Sandwich Help Save Amtrak’s Food & Beverage Service?

    As we say on the radio, “but first….” Two major Amtrak-related items have occurred this winter.  First was the cutbacks in long distance train consists in January and February.  Second was the U.S. House of Representatives actually passed a bill, and it was one that affected the future of Amtrak and what its customers will…