From: DAVID B. KUTROSKY, Managing Director, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority The Capitol Corridor November 2009 results are a mixed bag with a continued ridership decline compared to November 2008, yet revenue was above November 2008 with a strong on-time performance (OTP) result as well. It appears as the gap in monthly ridership declines is…
NOTE: Mr. Manning has two confirmations of his information. For a longer report on this issue see: News from URPA This Week at Amtrak; 2009-12-10, link in the right column of this post. Russ Jackson Photo: The daily Texas Eagle arrives at Dallas Union Station December 12. All of us look forward to the day…
At Los Angeles Union Station this Saturday! Informal get together for all RailPAC and NARP members. Meet opposite Union Bagel. Come join us for rail talk and holiday good fellowship! Paul Dyson
RAIL PASSENGER ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA 1017 L Street PMB 217, Sacramento, CA 95814 5th December, 2009 Mr. Joseph H. Boardman President and Chief Executive Officer NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORPORATION 60 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington DC 20002 Dear Mr. Boardman: Once again I must write to you about the catastrophic service failures on the Pacific…
RAIL PASSENGER ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA 1017 L Street PMB 217 Sacramento, CA 958114-3805 1st December, 2009 Hon. Art Brown, Chairman, LOSSAN Corridor JPB And members of the Board Dear Chairman Brown: Once again the travel plans of hundreds, possibly thousands of Amtrak passengers were severely disrupted by a locomotive failure on the LOSSAN corridor,…
Report by Noel T. Braymer Train 571 left San Diego on time at 10:35 A.M. from San Diego on Saturday October 24, 2009. But by the time the train got to San Clemente around 11:40 the brakes locked up on the Business Class Car bringing the train to a halt. This was just the start…
Editorial By Noel T. Braymer What rail passengers want is very simple. They want trains that are clean, comfortable, safe and convenient. Convenient means trains that run on time at times people want to travel and arrive at times they want to get to were they are going. Convenient means stations that are easy to…
Reported by Mike Barnbaum, RailPAC Associate Director, Sacramento. NOTE: See a RailPAC photo report on Gene Skoropowski’s Capitol Corridor career on this site. (NOTE: Thanks to BART/CCJPB for the photo of David Kutrosky) The 74th meeting of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority began with a report of Chair Jim Holmes who referred to Gene…
Commentary by Paul Dyson I have previously quoted New Zealand scientist Ernest Rutherford, “We had no money so we had to think”, and this struck a chord with a lot of readers. Regardless of the field of human endeavor to which you might apply this aphorism it is a good starting point. Try to do…
January 23, 1999 Report by Steve Grande of Trainweb Today the Rail Passenger Association of California (RailPAC) held its 19th annual meeting/luncheon at the Old Spaghetti Factory Restaurant here in Fullerton, next to the Amtrak station. Speaking to the capacity crowd first was Michael McGinley, Director of Engineering & Construction for Metrolink. Then John Barna,…