Official Amtrak Press Release Elegant dinner service aims to improve customer satisfaction OAKLAND – Beginning today, real china, table linens and glassware are returning to Amtrak’s popular Coast Starlight long-distance train to provide an elegant dining experience for passengers and is the latest service change aimed at further improving customer satisfaction on the west coast route between Los…
Commentary by Paul Dyson Our RailPAC/NARP meeting in Las Vegas last December revealed one important nugget. Guest speaker, Desert Xpress (“DX”) CEO Tom Stone announced that the project team is planning to extend the Las Vegas – Victorville core route across the high desert to Palmdale where it will connect with the California High Speed…
Did you know that you can renew your RailPAC membership by credit card? Yes, it’s true! You can renew (or become a new member) by credit card or PayPal account from the RailPAC website. It’s fast … it’s easy … and you’ll be done in less than 5 minutes!
Today Amtrak released the Fleet Strategy Plan they promised was coming. You can download the report here: Amtrak Fleet Strategy – Feb 2010 RailPAC will be releasing an official response soon.
We supported Proposition 1A and welcome the recently announced small down payment for High Speed Rail from the federal government. We are, however, greatly concerned by the growing clamor of criticism from some key politicians as well as the public and even some rail advocacy groups. It is extremely important that these first funds are…
Part 1 of three parts of edited highlights of a great presentation
Report and PHOTOS by Russ Jackson Yes, I know those trains don’t go to Sacramento, but on January 13 we boarded Texas Eagle # 21 at Ft. Worth and headed for San Antonio, then on to Los Angeles and drove up the Valley to Sacramento, combining a winter vacation with attending the very successful RailPAC-NARP…
As promised, we are providing the PowerPoint presentations presented on January 16th. PDF Files of the Presentations: ACE CCJPA – 10 Year Vision for the Capitol Corridor Sacramento Intermodal Transportation Facility and Track Relocation These files are being hosted by the Coast Starlight Communities Network. For more on the meeting, you should read these great…
Reported by Jarrod DellaChiesa, RailPAC Director In 2009, 29,976 passengers traveled to and from the Hayward station. It is always surprising how few people even know Hayward has an Amtrak station or that a passenger train passes through our town. With plans for up to 22 round trips in 2012-2015 and 32 in 2015-2020, increased…