RailPAC has a new number: (415) 7-TRACK-2 (415) 787-2252 Of course you can reach us at any time by phone or email.
Comments Compiled from a RailPAC Member We were recently contacted by a Professional Engineer who has, until recently, done a small amount of work on the CAHSR project. This is a summary of his report. Apparently the concept designs he cites are in the public domain (e.g. used in public outreach meetings) however the conclusions…
Comments by RailPAC member Freeman Gosden Jr. on his recent trip from Santa Barbara-LA-Chicago-Emeryville- Santa Barbara I told my friends that La Junta to Hutchinson was roughest experience I have ever had on AMTRAK-Santa Fe UP or SP. I’ve done Chi-LA 35 times. I was partially thrown out of bed. Now, I see AMTRAK is…
Reported by David B. Kutrosky, Managing Director, CCJPA July ridership started off weak, but ended up strong as we posted a fiscal year-best of 141,479 passengers for the month. This is a 5.0% increase in ridership above July 2009! Revenue continued its positive trend with +14.7% growth over June 2009. On-time performance (OTP) was 97%, the best result in…
Second Annual Festival to Focus on Modeling, History and Rail Excursions Festival Organizers Seek Volunteers and Sponsors The Second Annual Central Coast Railroad Festival will focus on rail excursions, modeling of all types and historical programs. The Festival is set for October 7-11, 2010, in the heart of the California Central Coast. Activities will take…
Editorial by Noel T. Braymer The California High Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA) has been often criticized over the high costs and intrusive aspects of some of the alternative routings for the HSR project. In response to problems poised by alternatives for the route between Los Angeles and Anaheim the CEO of LAMETRO Art Leahy and…
Opinion by Noel T. Braymer In terms of routing there is general agreement about the HSR project from Southern California as far north as Fresno. Combinations of publicly owned rail and road rights of way and cooperation with the BNSF has the route largely laid out up to Calwa Yard in Fresno. The City of…
Photos and Commentary by Russ Jackson . . . There’s great news for San Joaquin riders. On July 26 Amtrak announced that on six of the twelve daily trains that now operate with four cars, a fifth car will be added to the trains through Labor Day, increasing capacity by 25% and allowing an additional…
July 29, 2010 Meeting in Atwater Reported by Michael Barnbaum, Associate Director A moment of scilence was held in the memory of George Gaekle. George spent many years on the San Joaquin alley Rail Committee and was also a Director of RailPAC. He also served for many years as a County Administrator for Stanislaus County. A…
Reported by David B. Kutrosky, Managing Director, CCJPA The Capitol Corridor ridership results for June 2010 were the best month yet for the fiscal year reporting period. Ridership for June was 7.0% above June 2009 and exceeded business plan projection by 13%. Revenue continued its positive trend with +11.5% growth over June 2009 (and +4.5% over business plan projection).…