Commentary by Russ Jackson …comments in this report are those of the author, not necessarily those of the RailPAC Board of Directors What a summer it has been for Amtrak’s long distance trains. The new fiscal year began on October 1 so the counting starts over. Usually we comment only on the western trains here,…
By Noel T. Braymer There are plans to build High Speed Rail from Las Vegas to Victorville on I-15 and then run these trains to Palmdale on the right of way of a proposed new highway between these 2 cities. From Palmdale the Las Vegas trains could be extended to Burbank sharing the California High…
Here are this month’s photos by RailPAC photographers from everywhere! Click on each photo to see it full size! Contributions to this page are welcome. Send your jpg rail photos to Russ Jackson, RailPAC Photo Editor, at [email protected]. 1. Amtrak’s northbound Vermonter, which travels the NEC to that state from Washington DC daily, is arriving…
By Noel T. Braymer California already owns hundreds of miles of railroad, particularly in Southern California. From Lancaster to Los Angeles down to San Diego most of the railroad is partially or wholly owned by the public. The exception is about 15 miles of railroad shared by passenger trains between Los Angeles and Fullerton on…
Commentary by Anthony Lee, RailPAC Associate Director At the recent congressional hearing regarding re-authorization of Amtrak, Congresswoman Diane Titus(D) of Las Vegas requested a another study regarding restoring passenger rail service to Las Vegas, which is good news. The best option of restoring passenger rail service is a daily connection to the California Zephyr at…
By Noel T. Braymer The earliest San Diego can hope now to get direct High Speed Rail service is sometime after 2029. By 2029 the planning of the California High Speed Rail Authority is for 500 miles of High Speed Rail service between Anaheim and San Francisco. San Diego is the second largest city in…
RailPAC President Paul Dyson wrote to the California High Speed Rail Authority AND other agencies re electrification. The Authority’s Board Chairman Dan Richard replied to Mr. Dyson. TO READ THESE ITEMS YOU MUST CLIC ON THE TITLE AND THEN ON THE BLUE LINES BELOW. Electrification_SCRRA_LACMTA_CHSRA Response_to_Paul_Dyson_9.23.14