Report and commentary from the TAC meeting, Santa Barbara, 6/8/07 by Paul Dyson Including news about the new car order! The CRCC Technical Advisory Committee met at Santa Barbara last week, led by the indefatigable Peter Rodgers of SLOCOG. Also there were Royce Gotcher and Clem Bomar of Caltrans Division of Rail, Eileen Low from…
June 4, 2007, Transportation Agency for Monterey County Rail Policy Committee meeting Report and commentary by Chris Flescher, RailPAC, Salinas There is an interest in awarding Parsons another contract for planning work on the Monterey Branch Line. The contract would involve aerial photography to create more detailed maps of the area. There would be enough…
Photos from Southern California include the LA Gold Line, Santa Ana, Fullerton, and Santa Barbara. Posted mid-June, 2007. A Los Angeles Gold Line train is at the Lincoln Heights/Cypress Park station. Notice the “transit oriented development” condos adjacent to this station. (Noel Braymer photo) Quad gates at this Heritage Park station intersection provide increased safety…
COMMENTS presented to THE LOSSAN BOARD – JUNE 13, 2007 Chairman Brown, Board members, I was told a long time ago that in advocacy it is always better to be for something than against. Well, that’s not going to be an easy job today, although item 7, Passenger Rail Integration, is indeed a ray of…
Provided by Gene Skoropowski, Managing Director, Capitol Corridor JPA. We just received the May 2007 ridership results, and while California in total is ‘looking good’, the Capitol Corridor is skyrocketing! I am still in awe of where we are in riders. Gene ________________________________________________________________ Summary of May 2007 ridership and ticket revenue results for California state-supported…
Adopted by the membership at the March 17 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles Whereas RailPAC since its inception has been a supporter both of the existing National Passenger Rail System (“the National Systemâ€) of Long Distance and Regional trains operated by Amtrak, and of the incremental growth of that system, And Whereas the National System…
PART 1: Benson, AZ, and Lordsburg, NM PHOTOS and Commentary by Russ Jackson, RailPAC Sunset Limited on time performance has fallen back to 18.5% since Oct. 1 (The Coast Starlight is up to 19.9%), 2006. Another major problem for Amtrak train #2 happened on May 3, 2007, when the eastbound Sunset Limited, was 12 PLUS…
PART 2: Deming, NM, PHOTOS and Commentary by Russ Jackson, RailPAC In Part 1 we showed what passengers can expect at Benson, Arizona, and Lordsburg, New Mexico, when they choose those stations as their destination on Amtrak train #2, the Sunset Limited. After departing Lordsburg, another hour later #2 arrives at Deming. To get to…
Meeting Report and Commentary, May 23, 2007 By Russ Jackson, RailPAC The California High Speed Rail Authority, with four RailPAC members in attendance, met at the State Capitol on Wednesday, May 23, to adopt a definitive “Phase 1” of its project, “taking into consideration the cost, ridership, and revenue data presented to the Board on…
from Paul Dyson, RailPAC President Dear RailPAC members and supporters: After the enthusiastic response to our March 17 meeting in Los Angeles, the Board of Directors met in April to discuss the next steps for RailPAC. We have come a long way. We now publish a monthly Newsletter, the Review, with articles and news of…