How has Amtrak train 3/4, the Southwest Chief, (and others) been doing lately? Commentary by Russ Jackson When a long distance train has a very good on time performance it’s a time to celebrate, and while the Southwest Chief regularly has one of Amtrak’s best records it’s good to look once in a while. Southwest…
Summary of August 2007 ridership and ticket revenue on the California Corridors As received from Amtrak. Reported by Gene Skoropowski These results are good news for all intercity passenger rail services across California, and particularly good news for the Capitol Corridor service. After 11 months, with every month in the fiscal year setting a new…
Transportation Agency for Monterey County Rail Policy Committee, September 10, 2007. Salinas Reported for RailPAC by Chris Flescher There is a strong interest in trying to reduce the cost for the Branch Line Project (the light rail and/or bus rapid transit from Castroville to Monterey). Parsons has come up with a list of options to…
Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board meeting September 19, 2007 Suisun City Hall A PHOTO report by Russ Jackson As Capitol Corridor JPB Managing Director, Gene Skoropowski, said in the meeting, “Good news is always easy to report,” and that seems to be the theme of all of the CCJPB meetings to the delight of the…
California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento September 15, 2007 Reported by Russ Jackson and Bob Manning Photos by the authors The CSRM is a perfect place for a rail advocacy meeting. The atmosphere and hospitality were outstanding. The Rail Passenger Association of California board of directors (shown below with President Paul Dyson presiding) met in a…
From Bill Lindley, RailPAC Associate Director, and Arizona Rail Passenger Association Treasurer. Taken on his vacation from the Arizona heat this summer. An original series San Diego Trolley train is in downtown San Diego on August 6, 2007. A Surfliner train passes through Old Town Station in San Diego The Trolley, Coasters, and some Surfliners…
September 5, 2007. PRESS RELEASE: RailPAC President Paul Dyson today called for continued expansion of Metrolink train service throughout the region. In welcoming the additional trains on the Antelope Valley line on Saturday, and service for the first time on Sunday, Dyson said that: “At last Metrolink is beginning to fulfill its potential as a…
By Noel T. Braymer The recent collapse of the I-35W Freeway Bridge in Minneapolis highlights a problem that has been growing for years: the deferred maintenance of much of America’s infrastructure. There is an old saying in Economics: “There is no such thing as a free lunch“. The “free lunch” referred to was the practise…
10:00 Board Meeting 12:00 Lunch 1:00 General Meeting At the California State Rail Museum in the Museum Theater (use east “group” entrance), in Old Sacramento! Reserve your space NOW! Only a few days left to reserve! EVERYONE is welcome! And, it’s FREE! Our topic: “Running Trains WITHOUT Money!” A Presentation from Operation Lifesaver just added!…
The Bay Bridge reopened at 6 PM on Monday, September 3, 11 hours ahead of schedule. Over the weekend BART carried a record number of passengers, became a rolling party with its overnight service, and other public transportation systems saw record numbers of riders! No major tieups were encountered. Congratulations to Caltrans for its $1…