Correspondence between RailPAC President Paul Dyson and SCRRA. The original message is at the bottom of this file. Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:19:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Paul Dyson Subject: RE: Weekend Connections To: Bob Berger, SCRRA Manager, Passenger Services CC: Art Brown Bob, Thank you for your very prompt reply. Having been through British…
October 16, 2007 Report and PHOTOS by Russ Jackson The California & Western Railroad has been carrying passengers for 100 years! While passengers today are mostly tourists, some travel still occurs to the isolated locations enroute. Our trip on a rainy Tuesday was from Ft. Bragg to Northspur. Currently service from Willits is suspended while…
October 16, 2007, Los Angeles Report and Commentary by Paul Dyson RailPAC President NOTE: An important letter from Mr. Dyson to Caltrans Division of Rail Chief Bill Bronte is included in this report. The technical Advisory Committee for LOSSAN met at Los Angeles on Tuesday 16th October. This was the first full meeting of the…
Commentary by Paul Dyson, RailPAC President Those of you who are NARP members will have received a letter from Matt Melzer, former RailPAC director and now Communications Associate at NARP HQ. Matt points out the ongoing threat to the Sunset Limited and calls for action by NARP members to draw attention to the danger to…
SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY RAIL COMMITTEE Meeting Report, October 11, 2007 Bakersfield, California Reported by Russ Jackson RailPAC was well represented at the quarterly meeting of the San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee, led by Director Bruce Jenkins, and Associate Directors George Gaekle, Mike Barnbaum, and this writer. What made the meeting important was some news that…
From Sacramento to Bakersfield: two round trips daily on Amtrak California’s San Joaquin Valley trains. Here’s a look at all 10 intermediate stations, Lodi to Wasco, on this route. Photos were (mostly) taken 10/11/07 from the door of train 702, southbound, which departs Sacramento at 6:35 AM. That day ridership was light until Modesto. Photos…
TAMC Rail Policy Committee meeting October 1, 2007, Salinas Reported by Chris Flescher, RailPAC Associate Director Most of the meeting consisted of two presentations. The first was from a planner who worked on the Sprinter project in North San Diego County. The second one was from a planner who works for Monterey Salinas Transit (MST),…
September 2007 Results- and FY 2006-07 Capitol Corridor and California stats (our best year yet) By Gene Skoropowski Progress continues on the Capitol Corridor. We have just received the September 2007 stats from Amtrak, and the end-of-fiscal year stats as well. For California, they are very good. For the Capitol Corridor, the numbers continue to…
By Noel T. Braymer The reality of most travel without a car is you have to transfer to get to where you want to go. Good rail passenger sevice depends on quick and easy connections. Perhaps the best feature of BART is it is designed to allow passengers to transfer easily within BART. Connections are…
CRCC Policy Committee Meeting September 29, 2007 Paraiso Winery, Soledad, CA Reported by Chris Flescher, RailPAC Associate Director, Salinas NOTE: This article contains many news items of statewide interest RailPAC President, Paul Dyson, and Director Dennis Story attended the meeting, also. There are three categories of actions needed to start the Coast Daylight train: track…