The following letters have been written in support of RailPAC’s position of opposing Amtrak’s outright cancellation of the Coast Starlight because of the landslide in Oregon. (1) to Senator Boxer (2) from LOSSAN Corridor (3) from SBCAG As other letters are received we will add them here. (1) January 24, 2008 HON. BARBARA BOXER SENATOR,…
By Paul Dyson, RailPAC President, and Member Burbank City Transportation Commission I’m very proud to report that Burbank and RailPAC are leading the fight to get the ADA station platform heights ruling nullified. As you know the USDOT (in their ignorance) wants to put subway platforms at commuter and intercity stations and it just doesn’t…
Reported by Paul Dyson, RailPAC President This past Saturday, January 19, RailPAC held an open meeting in downtown San Luis Obispo primarily aimed at raising grass roots support for the proposed “Coast Daylight†service. The meeting was attended by over 50 people, more than half of them locals , who had heard about the meeting…
COAST RAIL COORDINATING COUNCIL, TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. “What about the FEMA cars stored outside New Orleans?” San Luis Obispo, January 18, 2008 Reported by Paul Dyson, RailPAC President The CRCC TAC met at San Luis Obispo last Friday, January 18, 2008. Amtrak, Caltrans, SLOCOG, Ventura, Santa Barbara County and City, Monterey County, Caltrain (our own…
Report from Gene Skoropowski, CCJPB Managing Director We have just received the December 2007 stats from Amtrak, the third month of our FY08 federal fiscal year. For the Capitol Corridor, and indeed for all of California, the ridership and revenue numbers show continued substantial growth. The San Joaquins nudged out the Capitol Corridor for ‘top…
NEW INFORMATION 1/7/08 RailPAC President Paul Dyson says a big crowd is expected! Note that the meeting will end in time to take trains 11, 14, or 799 or some of the connecting buses! Spend a Saturday on California’s beautiful Central Coast! Train798/799 at SLO station. COME TO this meeting Saturday, January 19, in the…
Notes submitted by Bill Kerby, January 10, 2008 Commissioners were relieved when Executive Director John Barna corrected the minutes from the past meeting that stated “no members were present†to “no members were absent.†Today, the newly elected chair of the California Transportation Commission, John Chalker of San Diego, efficiently led the commissioners and witnesses…
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County Rail Policy Meeting, held on January 7, 2008 “Progress is being made on the Monterey Branch Line service!” Reported by Chris Flescher, RailPAC Associate Director During public comments, one person said that he had rode the Sprinter once, and he was impressed at how high quality the train was.…
Commentary By Paul Dyson, RailPAC President On Friday January 11th I had a quick turnaround trip to Oceanside on a RailPAC errand that resulted in my spending about 90 minutes at the Transit Center. My observations are about the Transit Center rather than the trainride and I’m trying to look at it from the point…
January 10, 2008 Merced, California Reported by Bruce Jenkins, RailPAC Director The meeting was abbreviated because train #701 (north) was delayed due to a grade crossing accident south of Merced. The SJVRC Board entertained a request to change the meeting date to the 3rd Thursday of the month. However, because of schedule conflicts with a…