RailPAC and Californians for Electric Rail have jointly written an open letter in response to errors in the February 27, 2025 Guardian article: “Trump and California don’t see eye to eye, but critique of high-speed train has many on board” by Andrew Gumbel. Our joint letter can be viewed on the Californians for Electric Rail website, or…
RailPAC board member from San Diego, George Chilson submitted the below letter to the February 28, 2025 San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Board of Directors meeting as comment to the agenda item #9, about alternative alignments for rerouting the LOSSAN railroad track off of the Del Mar Bluffs. Here is SANDAG’s February 2025 map…
By Steve Roberts, President RailPAC It is with heavy heart and sadness that all the members of the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC) hear the news of the passing of Brian Rosenwald. For RailPAC members Brian was a “Superhero,” represented by Preston the brand’s signature logo, creating a level of quality on-board…
The 4th Quarter 2024/winter 2025 issue of Steels Wheels magazine can be downloaded by clicking here. In this issue:
ONT Connectorc/o Tim WatkinsSan Bernardino County Transportation Authority1170 W 3rd StreetSan Bernardino, CA 92810 Email: [email protected] November 20, 2024 Subject: RailPAC comment letter on ONTconnector — Dear Chair Marquez, SBCTA Board Members, and ONT Connector project staff, My name is Brian Yanity, and I am Vice President-South of the Rail Passenger Association of California and…
Click here to download the pdf of RailPAC’s new presentation titled “Caltrain Electrification and Statewide Electrification Developments and Outlook”, given at the October 20, 2024 RailPAC meeting held in Santa Clara.
Click here to register for the conference on Eventbrite.
Federal Railroad Administration 1200 New Jersey Ave, SEWashington DC 20590 July 2, 2024 Subject: Comments Fourth Meeting Regional Working Groups, FRA Long-Distance Service Study Dear Sirs, On behalf of the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada I am submitting the following comments to the fourth round of Long-Distance Service Study Regional Working Groups. Once…
RailPAC Comments to California Senate Transportation Committee hearing, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Subject: SB 1098 LOSSAN Rail Corridor Recommended Amendments and Actions Chair Cortese and Honorable Members of the committee, The Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC) is a statewide all-volunteer group of railroad professionals and public transportation advocates. Since its founding in…