Sign the Petition to Restore Gulf Coast Passenger Rail
If you support the restoration of Gulf Coast passenger rail service between Mobile and New Orleans, now is the time to voice your support to the Surface Transportation Board. This case will set a very important precedent for passenger rail across the U.S. Click here to sign the petition.
RailPAC remembers longtime member Dana Gabbard
A tribute to Dana Gabbard Brian Yanity Vice President-South, RailPAC Some people come to Los Angeles looking for that legendary Hollywood agent with a Rolodex filled with “all of the important people in this town”. For me, Dana Gabbard was that “Rolodex toting” Angeleno, yet at the same time he was also one of the…
Steel Wheels, 4th Quarter 2021 issue available online
Download the pdf of Steel Wheels, 4th Quarter 2021 by clicking here. In this issue: Northern California Passenger Rail Projects Vision for the future of Inland Empire rail Locomotive emissions New routes to San Diego Bi-Level Challenge Superliner Cars- Whats Next? Future rail service in Monterrey County Arizona News Nevada News and more!
RailPAC submits support letter for CRISI Grant Application for Coachella Valley Rail
For more information on the Coachella Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Rail Corridor Service Project, click here. Mr. Amit Bose Acting Administrator Federal Railroad Administration U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20590 November 4, 2021 Subject: Support for the Coachella Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Rail Corridor Service Project Application for Consolidated Rail Infrastructure…
RailPAC submits comment letter to U.S. DOT on supply chain and freight issues
The majority of intercity and regional/commuter passenger rail service in the U.S. is on tracks shared with freight trains. Therefore, sufficient capacity, safety and reliability of the nation’s freight rail system is vital to the interest of rail passengers. These two different uses of railroad infrastructure need not be in conflict. Both passenger and freight…
LOSSAN rail corridor improvement projects in Orange County
A previous issue of Steel Wheels (Q3 2020) had a brief report on the Anaheim Canyon improvement project, and new Placentia Metrolink station in Orange County. This article will describe the major LOSSAN corridor projects in Orange County, which will have great benefit to passenger rail in the entire Southern California region. Orange County, with…
RailPAC submits Public Comment Letter on Serra Siding Extension Project in Orange County
Click here for more information about the Serra Siding Extension Project in Dana Point, currently under environmental review by the Orange County Transportation Authority. To: Chris Haskell SCORE Deputy Program Manager 900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Email: [email protected] CC: Donna DeMartino, LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency Managing Director April 11, 2021 Subject:…
RailPAC submits letter to California State Senate Committee on Transportation on Appropriation of Proposition 1A Funds to the CHSRA
California State Senate Committee on TransportationState Capitol, Room 2209Sacramento, CA 95814 March 30, 2021 RE: Appropriation of Proposition 1A Funds to the CHSRA Good Day. My name is Steve Roberts and I am President of the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC). I want to thank you for the opportunity to view and…
RailPAC submits comment to California Senate Transportation Committee & Senate Budget Sub-Committee #5, Joint Informational Hearing on High Speed Rail
March 15, 2021 California State Senate Sub-Committee #5 -TransportationState Capitol, Room 5019Sacramento, CA 95814 Chairs Gonzalez, Durazo and Sub-Committee Members: After review of the California High Speed Rail Authority Revised Draft 2020 California Business Plan,the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC) recommends that the Revised 2020 Business Plan be adopted. RailPAC also supports…
Please contact your U.S. Representative in support of COVID Relief Bill and Amtrak long-distance trains
Within the next week it appears that the House will have the final vote on its COVID Relief Bill. As released, the bill has funding and a mandate for daily service of Amtrak’s long-distance trains. RailPAC encourages all those who value passenger rail to contact their representative and encourage them to vote for the bill. All House…