RailPAC Mission
The RailPAC’s mission is passenger rail advocacy. RailPAC’s publications are offered in both print and electronic, Steel Wheels is published quarterly while RailPAC’s website, Facebook and Twitter offer current updates.
RailPAC’s regional meetings offer an opportunity to interact with fellow advocates and view presentations by other RailPAC members, agency staff, and legislators
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More memberships increase our strength in presenting the case for passenger rail to policymakers at all levels.
RailPAC’s Key Priorities
- Preserving and unlocking the potential of the LOSSAN (Amtrak Pacific Surfliner) Corridor between San Diego – Los Angeles – San Luis Obispo by completing current state of good repairs and double track projects as well as moving forward with line relocation projects and tunnels to avoid threats from sea level rise, beach erosion and wave action.
- A daily Amtrak Sunset Limited, providing daily through service on the Texas Eagle to Chicago.
- A compete re-fleeting of Amtrak, including new Bi-Level equipment, is critical. RailPAC will work with California and Nevada legislators and congressional leaders to stress the need to appropriate capital funds each fiscal year to complete a full replacement of Amtrak’s aging equipment.
- California High Speed Rail: A focus on completing the Interim Operating Segment, Merced – Bakersfield and utilizing resources and programs in the recently passed Infrastructure Bill to begin work on the Chowchilla – San Jose line segment.
View our Board of Directors
Steve Roberts, Concord, President
Doug Kerr, Healdsburg, Vice President North
Brian Yanity, Fullerton, Vice President South
James Smith, Los Angeles, Vice President – Long Distance Trains
Marcus Jung, San Francisco, Treasurer
Donald Bing, Moorpark
George Chilson, San Diego
Robert Manning, Palm Springs
Dennis Story, Santa Barbara
Vaughn Wolffe, Pleasanton
Simon Oh, Campbell
Robert Frampton, Pasadena
Noel Braymer, President Emeritus
William Kerby, Sacramento Treasurer, Emeritus
Russ Jackson, Texas, Steel Wheels Editor Emeritus
For Information on RailPAC
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Write to us at:
c/o Marcus Jung
PO Box 22344
San Francisco, CA 94122
Email us at [email protected]
See the Membership page for more information about joining RailPAC!
California State Legistlators Contact Information for all members of the Calfironia State Senate and Assembly.