Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada 2022 Annual Meeting
When: November 5, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM (Pacific)
Where: Zoom Virtual Meeting
Registration: railpac2022.eventbrite.com
The 2022 Annual Meeting is being held in remembrance of Dana Gabbard, a dedicated transit and rail advocate.
Guest Speaker- Darren Kettle, Chief Executive Officer of Metrolink
RailPAC Business Meeting:
To conduct the regular business of the company
To elect the Board of Directors
To receive reports from the President and Secretary/Treasurer
Any other business
See www.railpac.org for updates to program
Registration Note: Completing your registration at railpac2022.eventbrite.com should automatically generate a Zoom meeting invitation to you email. Check your spam folder if the invitation does not arrive. Note: ticket sales close the evening of Friday, November 4th.
Citizens for Rail California
dba Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC)